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Table of Contents

Federal Breakfast Requirements and Policies1
Innovative Breakfast Delivery Models3
Severe Need Breakfast (SNB)4
Breakfast Research5
School Breakfast Program Resources5
State Breakfast Policies5

Guidance and Resources

Title File
Growing School Breakfast Participation Document
Promote School Breakfast - Model Posts and Tweets Document
There is More Than One Way to Serve Breakfast Document
10 Reasons to Try Breakfast in the Classroom Document
School Breakfast Meal Pattern and Dietary Specifications Document
Marketing School Breakfast Document

Kansas School Breakfast Program Waivers

All schools in Kansas with 35% or more of students eligible for reduced price or free meals are required by State law (KSA 72-5125) to offer the School Breakfast Program. Schools with less than 35% of students eligible are required to operate the program unless a current waiver has been approved by the Kansas State Board of Education. The waiver process is conducted annually using the following schedule:

Feb - Waiver forms are updated and available

April - Waiver forms are due to KSDE

May - Waiver Review Committee meets to review waiver requests and develop recommendations for approval or denial

June - State Board of Education receives the recommendations of the Waiver Review Committee and acts to approve/deny waiver requests. Schools are notified of the decision.

To receive a waiver application and further information about the criteria and process, contact Arleen Anderson at 785-296-2276 or

Title File
Waiver Criteria Document
Waiver Procedures Document

To keep up to date, regularly check the USDA Child Nutrition Programs' Web site for recently posted regulations, policy clarifications, prototype application materials, and other information. Most recent changes within each chapter are highlighted in yellow.  New guidance is also posted at SNP What's New or in Monthly Updates.