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Bulletin Board - Positions Available in Kansas
If you have a job opening in Child Nutrition Programs, we will post it for 30 days. Send your job announcements to prosebaugh@ksde.org.
USD 108 Washington County Schools has an opening for a Head Cook / Food Service Director. This is a full-time position August through June (July usually off). Benefits include paid vacation, holidays, sick and bereavement leave. A paid single health & dental insurance is also offered. Job description and application are available at www.usd108.org/page/employment-opportunities. Applications can be mailed or delivered to USD 108, 101 W College St, Washington, KS 66968. Contact Elizabeth at 785-325-2261x3 with questions. This position will remain open until filled. EOE
Oskaloosa Public Schools USD 341 has an opening for a Food Service Worker. This is a full-time position August through June. Benefits include paid medical insurance. For more information Contact Donna Bateman at 785-863-2539 EXT. 142